Skin Journeys at The Sanctuary

I am so so pleased for this amazing client. I have loved working with her. She has been completely dedicated to what I needed her to do and her skin has significantly changed since the beginning of her skin journey. Seeing her in this morning with no make up on, which is her norm now may I add, showing fabulous healthy skin and not hiding it anymore and of course pain free as cystic acne can be very painful.

A rosacea clients Skin Journey who I am so happy with today. Unfortunately we can never cure rosacea but we can try to treat to some degree so the skin looks much healthier, smoother and calmer. Symptoms of rosacea often begin with episodes of flushing where the skin turns red for a short period, but other symptoms can develop as the condition progresses, such as: burning and stinging sensations, permanent redness, spots (papules and pustules), small blood vessels in the skin becoming visible. The exact cause of rosacea is unknown, although there are several triggers that have been identified that may make rosacea worse. These include: exposure to sunlight, stress, strenuous exercise, hot or cold weather, hot drinks, alcohol and caffeine, certain foods such as spicy foods. But if we can try to treat it as much as we can and therefore ease it then we can learn to live with itÂ

6 weeks post plasma treatment for Eyes upper and lower. Another 6 weeks of skin tightening to go.....but what a result already

Look at the power of microneedling while using Environ.
p.s. excuse pinkness to skin, she had just completed another microneedle.

Why we love PlasmaâŚâŚâŚ..because it gets results like this.

Now we have a beautiful base to apply make up too.Â

We want to create a change in your skin.

No fuzz or dead skin to see here.

Before and after Radio frequency on Jawline and under chin.

What a beautiful skin journey this client has been on......a number of Microneedling sessions mixed with SkinPeels and Dermaplaning to increase absorption rate of her new Home Routine that she was also put on to ensure the fabulous ingredients got to work so much harder for her. Clients with the best results are the ones that follow their prescribed home routine impeccably along with their professional treatments.
Not following the correct home routine with good active ingredients while doing your treatments is like going to the gym and eating take away every night. Its not going to get you to the finish line the way you or I want to. But so pleased for this client , she followed her home routine perfectly and deserves this beautiful skin.

Book your Pro Power Chemical Peel Today. Minimal downtime. Fabulous Results.

Result from One Carbon Laser yes absolutely the client will have a course of them. So watch this space.........
If a treatment won't get results, we don't do it.

Bringing life back to your skin.

A Skin Journey in operation.... watch this space.
Book your Skin Consultation in the clinic today or use our Free Online Consultation here. Its time to change your skin.

Skin imperfections disappearing... we are on a skin Journey.....and not just any journey, it's a Sanctuary Skin Journey.
#pigmentation #brokencapillaries #poresize